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What is viral fever and know its early symptoms, causes, types, diagnosis & treatment

What is viral fever and know its early symptoms, causes, types, diagnosis & treatment

When a viral infection is triggered and caused by seasonal changes and environmental infection, during the monsoon season, it gives birth to viral fever. Viral fever is the spike in your body’s standard temperature accompanied by flu and cold. And though viral fever cannot be characterized as a disease, it is the result of viral infection. A lot of times, viral fever is left undiagnosed and overlooked, until of course, it develops into something severe and annoying.

Most importantly, people nowadays have started medicating themselves, when suffering from viral fever, instead of reaching out to healthcare providers, hence increasing the possibilities of multiple complications.

Viral Fever: Know the Symptoms Early

Here are the symptoms of viral fever that you must take into consideration:

  • People developing viral fever might suffer from:
  • Both joint and muscle aches
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Increased body temperature, soaring up to about 104 degrees
  • Face swelling
  • Dehydration
  • Frequent chills
  • Redness of eyes
  • Skin rashes
  • Appetite loss

And though all of these viral fever symptoms disappear in about 3-4 days, people should always talk to their medical provider if the symptoms persist or if it worsens.

What Causes Viral Fever?

When the immune system of your body fights back with the foreign pathogens, you get a fever. The immune system of your body gets the urge to fight back, certain harmful pathogens like viruses and bacteria make their way into your body. The body’s temperature soars high when this behavior triggers the same. But the main causes of viral fever are:

1. Air Droplets Inhalation

The air droplets of an infected person either coughing or sneezing near you, sans covering their face, when inhaled can result in an infection.

2. Food Products Ingestion

Multiple viruses contaminate beverages and food items and you might end up battling an infection if and when you consume those contaminated food items. Contaminated food products are also the causes of viral fever which you must avoid at all costs.

3. Mosquito Bites

Monsoon is the time when the mosquitoes breeds and multiply, resulting in an outbreak of malaria and dengue. The illnesses borne out of mosquito bites are also instances of viral fever.

4. Body Fluids Exchange

You might develop viral fever, Hepatitis B and HIV, through blood transfusion, injury from the pricking of needles used by an infected person.

Diagnosing Viral Fever and How?

Diagnosing viral fever isn't a child’s play and cannot be conducted by assessing the mere symptoms or the signs, as fever is a common thing that happens to us because of various reasons. Diagnosis of viral fever is important, if you wish to learn about the root cause, Star Image and Path Lab Pvt. Ltd. offers blood tests for the detection of fungal, viral, and bacterial infection. Based on the reports, your doctor might recommend radiology imaging like maybe a CT Scan, an MRI scan, or even a chest X-ray. All of these tests are available at Star Image and Path Lab at a nominal price.

Viral Fever Treatment: Possible?

The primary target for viral fever treatment is to concentrate on reducing the symptoms. In a majority of cases, you don’t need any treatment for viral fever as it goes on its own. Unlike viral fever which is induced by bacterial infection, antibiotics fail to work. For individuals, whose conditions don’t stabilize within 3-4 days, you must seek medical help for viral fever treatment

What to Do During Viral Fever?

  • Take your prescribed medications on time to reduce the symptoms related to viral fever.
  • Your doctor will recommend you an antiviral medicine, which you must take religiously.
  • Take sufficient rest.
  • Keep yourself hydrated and drink as much fluids as you can.
  • Consume lighter meals that are easy to digest.

What Not To Do During Viral Fever?

  • Refrain from Googling and medicating yourself. Consuming medicine without accurate and precise knowledge will do more harm than good.
  • Avoid sharing your personal belongings like a towel, soap, loofah, handkerchief with anybody, when you are having a fever.

The Complications Accompanied with Viral Fever

Viral fever when left undiagnosed for long might lead you to suffer from:

  • Dehydration
  • Shock
  • Hallucination
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Malfunctioning of the nervous system
  • Respiratory dysfunction
  • Kidney failure
  • Multiple organ failure

Who is Likely to Develop Viral Fever?

Viral fever can come upon anybody, irrespective of their age and sex. However, the chances of developing viral fever are higher in people: Children and other older adults having a weak immune system

  • Close ties with infected individuals
  • Sharing needles
  • People with disease and ailments from beforehand.
  • People traveling to or from contaminated areas
  • Sharing belongings with an already infected person

How Can You Prevent Viral Fever?

Viral fever is nothing uncommon and happens mostly during the rainy season. However, people must always adhere to certain preventative measures to keep away from viral fever.

  • Prioritize their respiratory hygiene and personal hygiene
  • Impart lessons about hand-washing to children
  • Avoid picking of nose, touching your mouth, or your eyes.
  • Keep away from allowing the water to sit somewhere for long, outdoors, as it might spike up the breeding zones of mosquitoes.
  • Seek professional medical support when demanded.

Your doctor might suggest you have your throat tested to determine if you have got a bacterial infection. Upon finding the results negative, they might recommend you to get urine tests, sputum tests, and even blood tests before proceeding with viral fever treatment. Star Imaging and Path Lab Pvt. Ltd can provide you all of these tests in the form of package and individually as well. The reputable diagnostic center is popular for offering accurate, and prompt test results for your convenience.

Disclaimer: The information on this website should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Contact a health expert if you have questions about your health.

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